Tag Archives: optimistic

Pressed “READY”…to roll!

Last year was certainly interesting. This year has started out around the same way. I have a feeling this is going to be just as adventurous and have probably even more highs and lows as last year. I am expecting it. In fact, I want it to be that way.

I have to keep occupied. So what did I go and do, I am coming up with things to do. Of course when you do that, opposition comes. My worst enemy is repeating what others have said to myself. The things they say that are hurtful and negative. I really struggled with that, and am still on the fringe. Just when I think I’ve got myself stable, I take a mental kick to the cerebellum. The worst is that I let it happen. I see it coming and just let it hit, and then let it simmer on my mind all day, week, month long.

These are the highs and lows I was talking about. What I have realized though is that this only makes me stronger. When I pull through, I realize more and have a sharper vision for what is to come and how to face the next one.  Even though it may be “harder” it is really only another obstacle ready to be leveled. I am all about fairly going over, under, or straight through any hardship. What I mean by fairly is that I am not going to step on anyone, deceive anyone, lie, steal, cheat, or anything like that. I want to be legit. To conquer the obstacle with all I’ve got and beat it fair and square.

So for 2012, I pressed the ready button. Ready to roll. To take a hit, and give a hit to the things that stand in my way. To shock the world and defy the odds. I will be completely honest, “All things are possible with God” If God is on my side, who can be against me? I just want you all to know that I am on your side. I will be here, no matter where my life goes and what happens, if you need me, I will be there. Through God’s use of my friends, I am where I am. Thank you. I got your back. I am ready to roll.

Happy 2012! 🙂

(.A.) Way of life

The relationship between mental, physical, and spiritual is crucial to keep balanced and healthy. If one starts to become weak, you will start to see the others become strained. I know for me, when they are all not in balance, I become irritable, angry, impatient, and a host of other things.

That is how the last week and 3 days have been. Going back to before Thanksgiving. I was in a good routine. I was staying up till around 11-12 getting up around 8-9 and running, eating healthy, sleeping well, working hard to keep my mental and spiritual life in check. Even throughout Thanksgiving, with all the excessive eating, traveling, and stress, I managed to run a few times, eat healthy, sleep, etc.

When I got back from Thanksgiving break, things stayed pretty consistent. Still run, slept, ate healthy. I was going to bed a little later, around 1-2 and getting up around 10-11.

The problems arose this week. I have put my mind on overload. I pushed myself way to hard. I cannot rest and sleep well because I am stressing myself out. Why? I have no idea. I only ran once this week. I am absolutely exhausted. It all started with my mental state getting overloaded. That then affected my physical state. Now I am on the verge of sickness. I put myself here because of all the stress I put on myself. There was absolutely no need for that.

I was having a rough time today dealing with my attitude. I know I am called to do something in life, but its hard to know if I am really going somewhere.

Something my mom told me the other day, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) I am feeding myself mentally and spiritually on that to sustain myself. The lowest of low depression, I hear that. When things are getting better, I hear that. Its a good reminder that some things in life are constant. Whether our circumstances are or are not, the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made is always constant.

You were put on this earth for a purpose, just like me. Don’t let anyone tell you other wise. Especially don’t lie to your self. Don’t convince yourself that you are not worth the effort you put into things to succeed. See your worth and cherish that. Respect yourself. Don’t do things that would jepordize your existence. Care for yourself.

Get good sleep. Eat healthy. Exercise.  Explore new areas of your passion to educate yourself and challenge your mental capacity and keep it sharp. Silence all the voices and search for the spirit to gain spiritual peace. These will all add to a healthy lifestyle.

Some people like to get into routines. Routines are good, just don’t let them become monotonous, or crutches, or excuses. Be content, but not complacent.

Enjoy life and live it loud. Live it the way you are supposed to. Have hope. Dream. Think of your bright future! It is going to be epic! You are worth it! 🙂 I believe in you!

a KIND-of expert

I was watching the show “Restaurant Impossible” on Food channel. That is a great show. I did some very slight research and from what I read, people are wondering about the credentials of the chef in the show and how he achieves such crazy tasks realistically. People say that it is literally impossible to do what he does in the time he does it. They also are not fond of the way he treats people in the show. He is very demanding and bosses people around.

One has to realize, that sometimes in order to break habits, another has to put pressure for a change in order for the proper result take bloom. I am not going to say he treats people nicely or poorly. He just sees how to get results and does what it takes to get there. If he had to wait on other people, aka the people he is helping, the task might not get done. That’s why they called him.

The whole point of this story is this:

When one asks for help, be prepared to listen to and do what the response is.

I want to say that there is NO shame in asking for help. My view on life is this: The reason we have so many experts and professionals in so many fields and topics is because we are all passionate about something; what we don’t know, we should ask those whom it is their job/passion to know such information. We should not be afraid to call for help. That’s what the people who have the answer are for. Just like YOU. You have an answer that somebody seeks because you are good at what you do. There is no one else who can do what you do. You are passionate in something and you have a knowledge that no one else has. Be kind and help those whom ask for your help.

The key to this as well though is listening. If you are not an expert in baking pies, you go to the Food channel. You find one of their chefs and you use their recipe. That is what they do. No need to question it. Listen to what they say. Don’t ask for help if you are not going to do what they say. That applies to everything, from baking pies to investing money, to building a dog house, to flying a kite. Listen and be open minded. Learn. Try talking less and listening more. Think. Ask questions. Be curious. Engage the subject. You don’t have to be a master of it at the end, but at least get the worth out of your own brain to help sharpen the experts brain and keep them fresh. You all win in the long run! 😀

Going Big

I do a lot in my life by the motto “go big or go home.” There are so many scenarios that applies to in my life. For example me going to college and graduating with 2 degrees 10 hours from home not living on campus pretty much not having any real normal experience one would have after high school. Then again what now today is normal?

At any rate it is odd at how many things from the high school days, many feelings, scenarios, and thoughts have come back into my life. I can say I didn’t want them, but at the same time I can argue with myself that I didn’t fight hard enough to keep it away this time. That’s what eats me up.

Controlling my anger and emotions is hard sometimes. But in the end I never see the worth in holding myself back.

I like to think if a bright happy future. I enjoy being optimistic and passionate about things. If we have only one life to live, why not make it the best? In the end we all go home…so why not go big?